About Us
Automation Solutions, Inc. Boston, MA, is a Miscellaneous Building Specialties (Division 10), company, in the business of furnishing & installing a wide variety of architectural interior finish products such as Shades, Lockers, Visual Display Boards, Projection Screens, Toilet Partitions, Toilet Accessories, Fire Extinguishers & Cabinets, Cubicle Curtain Tracks, Postal Specialties, Wall Protection Systems, Interior & Exterior Signage & Wire Mesh Partitions as well as Appliances.
We are an entity and brand name redefining the scope of work of a Division 10 Specialities subcontractor to a broader proportion and scale. Our services reach beyond traditional drop shipping of construction material & installation. As a value added feature, we tend to interact closely with architects, contractors as well as owners to fully address every single detail of a project and our field personnel & labor force has elevated craftmanship to new heights.
Competitive pricing, superior quality products & extravagant effort & customer service is a vision pursued by all of us.
Contact us for all your building specialities requirements at 1-800-328-8858 or e-mail our Estimating department. Contact our Sales & Customer Service department for quotations. Contact our Installation department to schedule manpower. Contact our Accounting department for general administrative and accounting related questions.